A Redeemable Overdraft is a short-term loan where the amount, lending period and periodic repayments (amortization of principal and interest) are determined in advance.
This makes it possible to supplement temporarily insufficient working capital and finance a well-defined operation.
Documents required:
Financial statements for the last 3 years validated by an approved firm (for SAs and S.A.R.Ls with turnover > 200,000,000 MGA) ; Signed by the manager and with the company stamp (for SARLs and professions)
Income statement N + 1
Cash flow forecast for one year
Management report and general information on the business
Statutory auditor’s report (obligation for SAs)
Information about the project:
Existing means of operation (land, buildings, production facilities)
Project note
Financial forecasts (during the loan term) :
- Provisional income statements
- Balance forecasts
- Cash flow forecasts
Lending period:
24 months’ maximum
Repayment method:
case by case
In the same category
Frequently asked questions
For a Redeemable Overdraft you can contact your Account Manager who will advise you and assist you with the paperwork.