An MTL is a loan that enables you to finance your investment projects: equipment needs (office automation, cars, various equipment items, …) and real estate needs (construction or extension of premises or offices and purchase of business premises, land or warehouses).
Pièces à fournir :
Financial statements for the last 3 financial years validated by an approved firm (for SAs and S.A.R.L.s with turnover > 200,000,000 MGA) ; Signed by the manager and with the company stamp (for SARLs and professions)
Provisional income statement
Cash flow forecast for one year
Management report and general information on the business
Statutory auditor’s report (obligation for SAs)
Information about the project:
Existing means of operation (land, buildings, production equipment)
Project note
Financial forecasts (during the lending period):
- Provisional income statements
- Balance forecasts
- Cash flow forecasts
Lending period:
24 to 60 months
Repayment method:
case by case
20% minimum